Monday, October 19, 2015

How EU can help you to valorise your creative potential and win money

Beford i can tell your more informations about differents projects  given by  themes as
1) ""How Europe union can help you to valorise your creative potential and win money ""

2) Business opportunities which can bring high profit in short therm without consumming resources and make polution
3) How Africa can valorise his 3 magics Ts ( Tradition ,tourism ,talent ) get billions and create millions jobs

i would like to make reference about a problem  which is making European union investors  , entrepreneurs  ,educational institutes ,researches ,teachers ,companies ,organizations to lose billions  and  the labour market waste a greate  chance  to create millions jobs

Apart of this i can also say that

Up to now  majority of European union investors  , entrepreneurs  ,educational institutes ,researches ,teachers ,companies ,organizations did not take advantage from the fact that they are actting or doing business in an European Union menber state country

Most of then do not  even know what is the major advantage of being an investor entrepreneur ,teacher ,researcher in an Europe Union menber state country

Due to those realities  as an economic and digital science researcher i had decided in the first step to make reference about one of the major advantage of being an european  union menber state, investor, entrepreneur ,teacher ,researcher
For this purpose i will invite you to analise a project given by a  theme as

 How Europe Union can help you to valorise your creative potential  and win money

can have  as an European Union profesional ,company ,institute  is that there are some projects they can implement in a certain EU menber state which can be  financed  with priority by EU
Given the  strategi importance of such projects they can be  financed also in differents other European Union menber states countries

Due to those very importants advantages Educations and researchers  institutes had been encourajing his people to make researchs in order to identify such projects

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